
We Know...

I read a post written by Roger Ebert on his daily blog. It's called All the Lonely People.

On a personal level, I do believe that the post was valuable, though barely effective. Truthfully, I have seen many articles pertaining to this subject. To me, it is a very broad topic (loneliness, depression, love and so on). This article, nevertheless, is an 'attempt' to define something extremely large by using a small amount of even more expansive terms (this is analogous to defining the word "duck" with the word "duck" directly inscribed into the written definition itself). Although I do value this editorial to be questionably truthful, the views on the subject, along with the subject itself, are very old, outdated, and trite. In all seriousness, how many people have heard the saying, "You do not know what you have until it is gone?" How many people have heard that "humans do not make connections just for reproduction. Humans make connections to set up a private world. We make connections for companionship..."  

Et cetera... Et cetera... Et cetera...

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