
My Impression of the "Mother Earth" Unit

Overall, I value most of the concepts about which our G&T class has learned.

For example, during our "Mother Nature" unit there exist certain traits which I have found to be very beneficial and useful. The most necessary of these subjects are the ideas surrounding simple living, the concepts regarding consumer-moderation, and the overall reuse of unused or idle personal items.

Through the application of these concepts, I discovered that my mind had experienced a slight transition in its "procedural standards." For instance, I noticed that I had begun to place a higher value on the ideas of recycling and reusing. With the exception of books, food, and an iPad, I noticed that I began to destroy the need for other wanted items (LEGOs, video games, furniture, clothes, CDs, etc.).

I will be frank in saying that the obliteration of the need for material items was partially due to the stresses on the international economy. Subsequently, I paired this mindset with the subject material learned in Gifted and Talented II. The product created: a mind that was freed of the want for worldly items.

Through these teachings, I learned that the connection, through which the environmental world and the economic world are bound, is directly influenced by human choice. The surprising nature of this fact is the concept that the environment and the economy are directly connected. Sincerely, this idea was something that I had never explored on an intellectual or personal level.

As a "team member" in our class' efforts on improvement, I would say that I acted merely as a data researcher, analyst, and memo-writer.

As life continues, I believe that most of these teachings will become second hand to me. I will continue my daily operations of recycling, my monthly operations of organizing, and my current task of consumer moderation.

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